Dayton Diaper Depot has given away 1M diapers

Dayton Diaper Depot volunteers provide diapers to families in need. CONTRIBUTED

Dayton Diaper Depot volunteers provide diapers to families in need. CONTRIBUTED

One week ago, the Dayton Diaper Depot (DDD), a non-profit organization that donates diapers to needy families, distributed its 1-millionth diaper.

“That is exciting news, especially in light of the fact that we started less than 4 years ago,” said founder and executive director Maggie Schneemann. “That is just the tip of the iceberg as to the need in the Miami Valley.”

The organization does not do any direct distribution but works with over 40 partner agencies who get diapers where they need to be. According to the National Diaper Bank Network, a 2013 study showed that diaper need is often more stressful on new mothers than food insecurity.

“Over the past year, The Women’s Center of Ohio (WCO) has worked alongside Dayton Diaper Depot to provide critical support to local families in need,” said associate director Kristy Sherman. “Thanks to this partnership, WCO has distributed over 865 packages of diapers to families across the Dayton area.This collaboration enables WCO to offer essential services — free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, educational classes, and resource assistance — while strengthening its commitment to the community. Together, WCO and Dayton Diaper Depot continue to build trust and serve women, men, and children in Dayton."

Why diapers?

According to the National Diaper Bank Network, one in two families in the United States struggle to provide enough diapers to keep their babies clean, dry and healthy.

  • Diapers are not covered by government safety net programs like food stamps, Medicaid and WIC.
  • Not having enough diapers, unfortunately, means parents are forced to leave their child in a soiled diaper for longer periods of time. This can lead to diaper rash and infections.
  • Fifty seven percent of parents missed work or school because they were unable to provide the required diapers to their child care center.

Volunteers prepare diapers to be delivered to organizations that will distribute them to needy parents. 

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How it began

In April 2021, a group of women joined together to address the diaper need they found heartbreaking. “Once you understand the need, you just have to do something,” said Schneemann, a Washington Twp. mother and grandmother. Other founders included Jenni Berreth, Doris Bonomini and a few others.

In the beginning, DDD distributed diapers to young mothers in several Dayton Public Schools so that their babies could stay in day care and they could continue their education. Every Monday, the mothers would receive 15 diapers to help during the school day. According to Schneemann, attendance went up ten percent for those mothers because they were secure in knowing their babies had ample diapers while they attended classes.

Here’s what they need:

• Diapers. Any size

• Wipes

• Groups willing to have a Diaper Drive

“We are always looking for people and organizations who would like to host a diaper drive for us,” said Schneemann. “Any civic organization, church, business or social group that wants to do that can contact us at We will help you by providing collection barrels and will pick up the diapers when your drive is complete, or the barrels are full."

Diapers can be dropped off at the Depot at 2175 Leiter Road in Miamisburg, or at Jacqui’s Salon at 4085 Marshall Road in Kettering.

For more information, visit


Meredith Moss writes about Dayton-area nonprofit organizations and their specific needs. If your group has a wish list it would like to share with our readers, contact Meredith: Please include a daytime phone number and a photo that reflects your group’s mission.

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